Bill Fawcett

Bill Fawcett

Bill has been a professor, teacher, corporate executive, dean, RPG, board game, and computer game designer. After writing for the early issues of Dragon Magazine in the 1970s Bill became one of the founders of, and lead designer at, Mayfair Games. He has continued his board and electronic game design work. In publishing Bill Fawcett & Associates has packaged over 400 books science fiction, fantasy, military, non-fiction, and licensed books for major publishers.

As an author Bill has written or co-authored over a dozen fiction books plus near one hundred articles and short stories. Bill collaborated on several mystery novels with Chelsea Quinn Yarbro including the Authorized Mycroft Holmes novels. He has edited two oral histories of the Navy SEALs. As an anthologist Bill has edited or co-edited over 40 anthologies. His most recent novels are the Blood and Armor Science Fiction series.

Bill’s historical "Mistakes" series include: It Seemed Like a good Idea, It Looked Good On Paper, and You Did What; How To Lose A Battle, How To Lose a War, How To Lose WWII, How To Lose a War at Sea, and How To Lose the American Civil War. Among his non-fiction books are: Oval Office Oddities, 100 Mistakes that Changed History, 100 Leadership Mistakes that Changed History, and 101 Stumbles in the March of History.

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