The Dallas Future Society is the parent organization responsible for conducting FenCon. As such, DFS is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all its members. We expect all members to demonstrate respect and appropriate behavior to all present: members, convention staff, hotel staff, and anyone else present at the hotel.

Above all, we ask all members to exercise common sense rules for public behavior, personal interaction, common courtesy, politeness, and respect for private property.

In order to promote a safe and welcoming environment for all, we have established the following Code of Conduct for all FenCon members. It applies to all pre-convention, at-convention, and post-convention activities associated with this event.


In the event of a medical emergency, please go directly to the hotel staff, not the FenCon staff – either the front desk or the nearest hotel staff member. The hotel has asked that all attendees work through them directly in these situations.


Each Fencon member will be provided with a badge. Your badge is your permit into convention functions and spaces. Wear your badge so it is visible at all times. Anyone seen without a badge in any of our function rooms will be asked to leave and retrieve their badge before returning. If you find someone’s badge or lose your own badge, please contact Registration or Convention Operations (Con Ops) immediately. Badge sharing is prohibited. In order to insure this, we require that all members give a verifiable real name in addition to any listed badge name when they register. Anyone found to be sharing a badge will be removed from the convention and the membership associated with that badge may be revoked without refund.


We will not tolerate dangerous, illegal, or destructive behavior at the convention. Please report any incidents to Convention Operations immediately. Any members found to have participated in potentially dangerous, illegal, or destructive activity anywhere in or around the convention hotel will be asked to cease immediately and may be subject to the consequences section listed below (see #18).


We expect all members to treat all people at the event with respect. The best way to do that is by exercising good manners and by being patient and polite. Areas of the convention can be crowded and stressful at times. Be aware of your tone of voice, body language, and behavior. In short, be polite and be nice.


We want everyone to have a great time, consequently we will not tolerate harassing behavior. Please report to the Convention Operations any incidents of verbal or physical harassment including but not limited to:

    a. Inappropriate language or gestures such as suggestive, insulting, intimidating, demeaning, discriminatory, or offensive comments

    b. Unwanted physical or sexual attention

    c. Unwanted physical contact or proximity

   d. Threatening language or behavior

If you feel you or another member are being harassed, please do the following:

    a. Tell the individual that their behavior is inappropriate and ask them to stop

    b. If they don’t stop, or you do not feel comfortable addressing them, then immediately contact a convention staff member. Request to be immediately escorted to Convention Operations

    c. Provide Convention Operations with as much information about the incident as possible, including badge name (if available) and description

    d. The Chairperson and convention leadership will work to evaluate and address the incident as quickly as possible

Advice - If someone asks you to leave them alone or tells you “no” or “stop,” immediately acknowledge the request, walk away and do not approach them again. This will stop most incidents from escalating and allow everyone to enjoy the convention. Always remember your “good fun” might be another person’s harassment. Guess who we are likely to side with?


No nudity. This is a family-friendly convention. Keep your clothing and costumes PG-13. For your safety, no bare feet please.

We reserve the right to request you to change into more appropriate attire or put away your props if we find them inappropriate or disruptive.

When sitting in panel or performance rooms, please remove any large hats, fezzes, or other items that might obstruct another’s view.

Advice – Body paint is not a costume. Save it for the adult-only conventions.

More Advice – Costuming is NOT consent. Hands-off until told hands-on.


Please be courteous to all guests of the hotel. There may be other events going on at the hotel. Please treat non-convention guests with courtesy and deference. Do not disrupt other events that may be going on at the hotel. Please observe all rules posted by the hotel.


The convention is an event that is fun for the entire family, and we welcome children as attendees. Children of appropriate ages may take part in our scheduled children’s programming. See the convention schedule for details.

To ensure your children’s safety, please watch your children at all times. Parents/guardians are responsible for their minor children and their minor children’s behavior at all times.

Children with Kid-in-Tow memberships are required to be with their responsible adult at all times and can never be left unattended in any convention space or with convention staff.

Advice – If your child cannot sit quietly through a discussion panel or other event, please take them out in the hallway so that they won't disturb other members.


Smoking of all kinds is prohibited in all areas of the hotel, including function rooms, sleeping rooms, hallways, and the Hospitality Suite. Please obey the hotel's posted smoking policies in other areas in and around the hotel.

Use of e-cigarettes or similar devices is prohibited in all hotel function rooms and the ConSuite. Please follow the hotel's e-cigarette policy in all other hotel areas.


The legal drinking age in Texas is 21 years old. Any minors found in possession of alcohol and any adults found to be providing alcohol to minors will have their memberships revoked and be removed from the convention. No exceptions. Please drink responsibly.

Advice - If you have had too much, please get a room at the hotel, call a cab, or ask a sober friend for a ride.

11. FOOD

Our ConSuite provides a convenient place for food, drink, and conversation. However, due to health and hotel rules, all food and beverage must be consumed there or in a hotel guest room. This also applies to food and drink purchased outside the hotel. Food and beverages purchased from a hotel venue may be consumed in hotel function space. FenCon reserves the right to prohibit food and beverage in certain spaces due to safety concerns. Please observe signage posted outside of rooms.

(Note that a ConSuite may not be in operation every year.)

Advice – The hotel has several dining options including a restaurant, the bar, and room service. Check them out if the ConSuite doesn’t have what you want.


Not only for your own enjoyment of the convention, but also for the enjoyment of your fellow fans, please follow the 5-2-1 rule of conventions: at least 5 hours of sleep a night, at least 2 nutritious meals a day, at least 1 shower a day.

Advice - Please minimize the use of colognes and perfumes. Many people are sensitive or allergic. Clean is the best smell of all.


Apart from the costume contest, weapons are strictly prohibited in the function space and Hospitality Suite. A pocketknife is fine. A dagger is not. Please use common sense. Any swords, knives, or other weapons purchased in the Dealer Room must be wrapped before leaving the room and taken immediately to your hotel room, car, or other safe place.

Advice - Yes, you may carry your steampunked Nerf gun. Please don’t shoot it at anyone.


Most of our guests are willing to give you their autograph, but please follow these simple rules: When possible, only request autographs during the designated autograph sessions. If there is a line, please limit yourself to 3 items to be autographed per guest.

Please do not ask any guest for an autograph as they are leaving, going to a panel, or while they are at a meal.


DFS will not restrict your right to take photos as long as you respect the wishes of your intended subjects. Ask permission before you photograph any individual or group. If someone asks that you not take their picture, please respect their wishes.

Please do not take photographs in any high traffic areas. Please move to a less populated area or a designated photo backdrop area instead.


Recording of performances and programming at the convention is allowed only for the private use of the person making the recording. If a panelist or performer requests that there be no video or audio taping, please respect his or her wishes.

Recording of any kind within hallways and hotel public spaces is not allowed without prior permission of the subjects or their legal guardians.


Service animals are welcome at FenCon, but they must have current vaccinations and be always under the control of their owner. Animals exhibiting aggressive (including but not limited to barking, hissing and/or growling) or out of control behaviors (such as straining at the leash, jumping on people, or not being housebroken) may be asked to leave. The owner of any animal asked to leave may remain at the con. We ask owners to be aware that some people are frightened of animals or may have allergies. Please work out your differences in an equitable manner (i.e., sitting on opposite sides of a panel room). We also ask humans to be aware that service animals are at work looking out for their owners and should not be distracted.

Advice - You or your child may have an urge to pet that doggie, but that animal may be closely watching their human for early warning signs of a seizure or other medical condition and should not be distracted.

More Advice - If someone questions your right to have a service animal present and continues to harass you, please come to Ops.


DFS and the FenCon Chairperson reserve the right to evaluate any and all potential code of conduct violations. Failure to adhere to the FenCon Code of Conduct, per their judgment, may result in one or more of the following:

    a. Mediation with all parties involved by the Chairperson or designated DFS representative

    b. Verbal warnings

    c. Revocation of membership and/or removal from hotel

    d. Turning individual in to hotel staff/security

    e. Reporting individual to local law enforcement

    f. Any other actions deemed appropriate by the Chairperson 


In all cases, the convention will strive to quickly and impartially evaluate all available facts in order to make a fair determination.

Consequently, DFS and the convention leadership reserve the right to investigate the circumstances of all accusations and apply the above list of consequences to individuals who we determine to be in violation of the Code of Conduct.

DFS and the convention leadership recognize that some Code of Conduct violation accusations may be false either to misunderstandings or malice.

In cases of misunderstanding, we will strive to arbitrate an equitable resolution for all parties involved.

Anyone we determine to have maliciously brought a false Code of Conduct accusation will be subject to one or more of the consequences listed above.

DFS and the Convention Chairperson are the sole interpreters and arbiters of the Code of Conduct rules for this convention.

20. ASK US!

No policy can cover every contingency. So, if you have any questions or concerns about the policies in this document, please let us know.

Copyright © 2025 Dallas Future Society