Stupid Butterflies! : Time Travel Blunders 

Sunday, February 16, 2025
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

We all know about the Butterfly Effect, and how it's been used and misused in books and movies. Is the Universe resilient enough to allow time travel to happen, or are we all doomed the minute some scientist invents his time portal? Lets talk about the damage you inadvertently do, either to the past or the present when you start messing around with causality.         


Paige Ewing

Sarah Hays

T. Pennella

JL. Yarrow *

2025-02-16 14:00:00 2025-02-16 15:00:00 America/Chicago Stupid Butterflies! : Time Travel Blunders We all know about the Butterfly Effect, and how it's been used and misused in books and movies. Is the Universe resilient enough to allow time travel to happen, or are we all doomed the minute some scientist invents his time portal? Lets talk about the damage you inadvertently do, either to the past or the present when you start messing around with causality.          The Westin Dallas Fort Worth Airport 4545 W. John Carpenter Freeway · Irving, Texas, 75063 FenCon
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