Dungeon Mastering 101 

Saturday, February 15, 2025
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

You want to play D&D or one of the zillion other games on the market, but you're afraid to dive in for fear of "messing it up." Relax! Our panel of experts will field your questions and tell you how to get started running your own table top role-playing games. ( I would be willing to moderate ) Total Party Kills and Monty Haul Campaigns: Solving your ttrpg problems: How do you keep the party alive and on track in your game? Why does that one player insist on being the brooding loner? Bring your troubles to the panel and let our experts mull it over and give you advice and wise council to take your gaming table to the next level.


J. Black

Dara Kountz

M. Stewart

M. Muenzler *

2025-02-15 19:00:00 2025-02-15 20:00:00 America/Chicago Dungeon Mastering 101 You want to play D&D or one of the zillion other games on the market, but you're afraid to dive in for fear of "messing it up." Relax! Our panel of experts will field your questions and tell you how to get started running your own table top role-playing games. ( I would be willing to moderate ) Total Party Kills and Monty Haul Campaigns: Solving your ttrpg problems: How do you keep the party alive and on track in your game? Why does that one player insist on being the brooding loner? Bring your troubles to the panel and let our experts mull it over and give you advice and wise council to take your gaming table to the next level. The Westin Dallas Fort Worth Airport 4545 W. John Carpenter Freeway · Irving, Texas, 75063 FenCon info@fencon.org
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